Advertisement Policy

  1. All advertisements depend on the approval of the Publisher or Editor.
  2. Scientific content and decisions made by the editorial board have not been affected by advertising.
  3. Although the content of advertisements is not related to the editorial board, advertisements are separate from the scientific content.
  4. Sales and marketing of the products within the accepted advertising are unfeasible.
  5. Editor or publisher of the journal is not responsible for advertisement and its content. This responsibility entirely belongs to the owner of advertising.
  6. Accepted advertisement can be placed on any page approved by the editor or publisher.
  7. Advertising is done according to the contract between advertising company and journal management.
  8. Advertising content has not included any distinction of language, religion, race, gender, age, disability and etc.
  9. Advertising that contrary to society and publication ethics must not be published.
  10. Advertising that produced according to national rules and fulfilling their obligations such as license are accepted for publishing.
  11. Advertisements must be prepared in accordance with competition laws and other relevant regulations.
  12. Journal management shall not be liable for pecuniary loss due to errors of the advertising content.